New Frontiers is a national entrepreneur programme developed by Enterprise Ireland to support business startups and early stage entrepreneurs. The six week phase 1 programme and 6 month phase 2 programme have been the starting point for many of Colab’s clients
A very warm welcome to the candidates for phase 2 of New Frontiers. The programme which is located between Sligo IT and CoLab saw candidates undergo a rigorous selection process to be accepted on the course. Along with training and mentoring the participants receive €15,000 and office space for 6 months. This programme has been the starting point for many of our most successful companies and we wish the 2019 cohort the very best of luck. We can’t wait to see how their ideas grow and develop over the next 6 months. For further information on New Frontiers including application forms to take part please visit www.newfrontiersnw.ie